Abdullah al-Ahsan


Total: 7 Presentaion Found

Quranic Guidance for Good Governance

Link: https://csis.org/events/quranic-guidance-good-governance-0

Location: Washington DC in 2008

The Clash of Civilizations: A Viable Alternative

Link: https://news.stthomas.edu/muslim-christian-center-to-host-talk-next-week-on-the-clash-of-civilizations-a-viable-alternative/

Location: St. Thomas University, MN in 2008

CIK Talk - Ummah or Nation? Identity Crisis in Contemporary Muslim Society

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW3JTS6a_C0&t=3s

Location: Online

Various Presentations by Abdullah Al Ahsan

Link: https://abdullahalahsan.wordpress.com/

Location: Online

Lecture Series on Futures of Integration of Human Knowledge & Civilisational Development - LECTURE 12

Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/lyOaCCPCiVQ

Location: Online

Lecture Series on Futures of Integration of Human Knowledge & Civilisational Development - LECTURE 13

Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/fbSJ-75fVNQ

Location: Online

Challenges of Modern Education and Responses of the Ummah

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxq-k_4zc9Y

Location: Online

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